Work package on Requirement Analysis and System Level Specifications starts working
27.-28.05.15, Aachen, Germany

This work package will provide specification of the core project
framework with regards to technical requirements under regulatory
constraints and standardization aspects, and will define technical and
commercial services enabled by energy storage and its interaction with
other local energy resources (e.g. local generation and load management)
in various building and network scenarios. Different scenarios
integrating energy storage concepts are specified in this work package
and related regulatory and standardization constraints are analysed in
order to derive integration concepts for thermal and electrical
energetic optimization.
The definition of technical and commercial services offered by distributed storage under the lead of partner Engineering is an important input for other work packages. The wide range of test sites allows different use cases to be realized, ranging from optimized integration of thermal and electrical aspects at building and grid level for reduce energy consumption, to the provision of ancillary services for grid support, including fast services like reactive power injection or spinning reserves.
The service specification is one of the first deliverables (non-public) within the ELSA project. Therefore, the ELSA team discussed and identified the ELSA Storylines as well as the consolidated actors. Each Storyline, which stands for a main scenario, is based and linked to the characteristics of the test sites. Consequently, each test site could be integrated into a Storyline. Within each Storyline potential services and use cases were discussed and identified. Further the next steps in order to finish the deliverable were determined.
Image: E.ON Energy Research Center (Soource: RKW Architekten Düsseldorf, Holger Knauf)