The ELSA consortium: 10 partners - 5 EU countries

The consortium consists of partners who are leading experts in their
domain. The specialization of every member allows ELSA to cover all the
activities of the project on storage solutions and their application
(different types of test sites), European markets and electrical
generation, to bring a unique mixture of coherent expertise.
BOUYGUES ENERGIES & SERVICES (project coordinator) | France
Sustainable development is one of the most important strategic directions of the Bouygues group. Bouygues Energies & Services delivers global and integrated solutions, in design / build/ operate and maintenance projects. Bouygues Energies & Services has developed a high expertise in outdoor energy infrastructure, the installation and the maintenance of electrical facilities and Facility Management. Bouygues Energy and Services is an expert in energy performance at building level and has already signed numerous energy performance contracts. Bouygues Energies & Services will lead the work package on installation and maintenance of the distributed storage systems.
Nissan West Europe SAS | France
For the project ELSA, Nissan will provide EV Lithium-ion batteries to be integrated into storage solutions. Nissan will participate in the systems development, management and demonstration and also in the economic and environmental impact assessment.
RWTH Aachen University | Germany
RWTH will contribute to requirements definition and development of ICT solutions as well as to the design of the battery storage solution. In addition, validation and evaluation will be performed by Hardware-in-the-loop technique as well as by up-scaling of field test scenarios to system level for proof-of-concept analysis. The integration of battery storage into the live test site at RWTH Aachen (main building of E.ON Energy Research Centre) will provide a holistic experimentation facility encompassing both thermal and electrical aspects. Optimized energy management will be performed and validated at the site.
United Technologies Research Centre Ireland Limited (UTRC Ireland) will bring its expertise and previous experience in developing Energie Management Systems (EMS) and middleware for optimizing the thermal and electrical generation, storage and consumption in commercial and industrial buildings.
Specifically, UTRC Ireland will lead the work package for storage and grid services management for the adaptation and implementation of a scalable Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform for integrating 2nd life batteries with other energy vectors in several energy domains.
UTRC Ireland is well positioned to lead these activities, due to its extensive experience in developing an integrated energy management platform (including advanced middleware, optimisation, power systems and power electronics controls) for optimising energy consumption and generation in buildings. Furthermore, UTRC Ireland will participate in all other ELSA work packages by analysing services at every demo site. UTRC Ireland will conduct research on approaches for the electrochemical storage system to be more easily integrated in commercial and industrial buildings.
Engineering will lead the elicitation of requirements and the specification of the ELSA System. It will be contributing to the work package on scalable ICT platform for storage and grid services management for district aggregator, on the basis of the experience done in other projects running in the Energy domain. In work package on economic and environmental impact assessment Engineering will contribute to business modelling and to dissemination and exploitation.
B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH | Germany
B.A.U.M. supports enterprises, municipalities, regions and governmental institutions throughout Germany and abroad with consultancy and training on sustainable development. As a knowledge management company, B.A.U.M. understands its role as a link between development, production and marketing of sustainable products and services. The B.A.U.M. international department is partner in various EC projects. In international projects, scientific studies and regional development B.A.U.M. today concentrates on fostering usage of local renewable energy sources and sustainable mobility patterns. B.A.U.M. will contribute to the work package on requirement analysis and system level specifications as well as in the work package on economic and environmental impact assessment. B.A.U.M. will further lead the task on dissemination of project results and cooperation.
ASM Terni S.p.A. is a Company fully owned by the local municipality (City of Terni). The activity of the company is related to some public services in the City of Terni area as:
- Production and distribution of Electric Energy;
- Management of public street lighting;
- Environmental Health;
- Drinkable water distribution and water treatment plant;
- Gas distribution.
Terni is a small-medium sized Italian city, accounting of about 105.000 inhabitants and located in Umbria region, which has been very active in Smart grids and Smart City initiatives in the last years.
The ASM Power Grid acquires electricity at HV through 3 primary substations and distributes electricity to the end users through 60 MV lines (with 10 and 20KV) and 700 secondary substations. The peak power is about 70 MW and the power distribution network is 587 km MV, 1762 LV
ASM Terni is a major contributor to test the software engineering framework in a real trial, providing access to its energy network management, to all the essential services for citizens (Water, Gas, Waste management etc.) and customer management expertise. As a test site, Terni will be involved in all work packages of the project in order to evaluate the proposed solutions in its own environment.
Gateshead College | United Kingdom
Gateshead College will contribute to the project by integrating and evaluating the new solution in its own test site. The integration of battery storage into a live test site at Gateshead College will provide a holistic experimentation facility encompassing both thermal and electrical aspects. Optimized energy management will be performed, monitored and validated at the site. The college objective is to create curriculum and deliver new skills from the installation and operation of the systems.
Allgäuer Überlandwerk (AÜW) | Germany
AÜW is the biggest regional supplier in the Allgäu of electric energy services about 100.000 customers. As a partner in different projects regarding renewable energies and electro mobility, AÜW tries to be in the front line to support and participate in the newest ideas and developments of these future technologies. Together with the linked 3rd party and AÜW subsidiary egrid applications and consulting GmbH (egrid) main task of AÜW will be the contribution to the work package on installation and maintenance of the distributed storage systems. Further AÜW and egrid will provide larger contributions to work packages on scalable ICT platform for storage and grid services management and economical and environmental impact assessment. AÜW will further provide support to the work packages on requirement analysis and system level specifications, design of the electrochemical storage systems and design optimization and technical impact analysis.