Energy Local Storage Advanced system
The project Energy Local Storage Advanced system (ELSA) is demontrating an environmentally friendly and effective electrical storage system that integrates second life electric car batteries and an Intelligent Energy Management System to provide innovative services in a wide range of applications. For instance, in districts, commercial buildings and farms it can raise the degree of self-consumption by balancing electricity demand and local PV generation. In charging stations, it can shave load peaks of high demand and balance times of high generation. DSOs can use it in sub-stations for fre-quency and power regulation.
An ELSA system is built from several batteries without previous dismantling of the individual battery packs adding not only additional life to electric vehicle batteries before they are recycled, but providing a storage solution that complies with the high safety standards required for electric vehicle batteries in a cost-effective manner.
What is ELSA?

ELSA Project Successfully Completed
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ELSA Final Event in Vienna
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Join us at the ELSA final event @ European Utility Week 2018
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6 pilots in 4 EU countries
cover all the relevant applications for distributed storage
The project Energy Local Storage Advanced system
receives funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement No 646125.